
Where Is Elisabet Sobeck Body


"The lesson will be taught in due time, Aloy. Until then, we wait."

This article contains heavy spoilers. Read ahead with caution.
"Guys--you know me. I'k no good at endings. At letting things end. So allow'southward not."
―Elisabet Sobeck

Elisabet Sobeck, Ph.D. was an American scientist, roboticist, and engineer. Brilliant and talented, with a deep altruistic concern for the world, Sobeck spent her entire career at the forefront of efforts to use technology to reduce and reverse the impact of global damage to the environment.

On learning of the unstoppable existential threat to life on Earth that was what became known as the Faro Plague, Sobeck proposed and successfully oversaw the evolution and implementation of Nothing Dawn. This was a global terraforming arrangement which, long subsequently life was exterminated, neutralized the Faro Plague, made the planet over again habitable, and restored life to information technology, including humans. Furthermore, centuries after her death, her genetic lawmaking was used by GAIA, the terraforming system'due south fundamental bogus intelligence, to create Aloy, a immature Nora huntress who successfully stopped the Faro Plague's reactivation, and thus saved life from a second, permanent extermination.


Early life

Sobeck was built-in on March 11, 2020 in the suburbs outside of Carson Metropolis, Nevada. Her interest in electronics emerged very early in life. At six years onetime, she accidentally set burn to a pine tree in the back one thousand while playing with a children'south electronics kit. After the fire department had extinguished the blaze, Sobeck'due south mother showed her the remains of the chicks the fire had consumed. Sobeck screamed that she did not care about them, but her mother took her face in her easily and impressed upon her the importance of using her intelligence and talents to better the world, or they would mean nothing. This lesson securely impacted upon Sobeck, and led to her donating philosophy.[i]

Sobeck proved to be a scientific discipline and technology prodigy, enrolling at Stanford University at age xiii, earning a Available of Science caste in Experimental Physics and Reckoner Science at historic period sixteen, and earning a Physician of Philosophy in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Design at Carnegie-Mellon University in 2040, at twenty years old. Within ane year of her graduation, she was hired past Ted Faro, founder, owner and chairman of the robotics and technology corporation Faro Automated Solutions. Inside 2 years, she was promoted to the position of Main Scientist in the visitor. Over the next 8 years, her work in the design and evolution of environmental recovery automatons, known as "light-green robots", propelled FAS to the forefront of efforts to undo the severe environmental damage of that decade, known equally "The Clawback". Even so, in 2048, she resigned from FAS, disgusted by Faro'south decision to take the company into the military machine automation marketplace. She continued her work in green robot technology, forming her own successful environmental technology company, Miriam Technologies.[2]

At some indicate, Elisabet was in contact with the criminal hacker Travis Tate - though the verbal circumstances of their relationship are unknown, Tate later fabricated the dubious claim that she was romantically attracted to him at the fourth dimension. At an unspecified bespeak (but likely in the 2050s), Elisabet was in a romantic relationship with Dutch programmer Tilda van der Meer, although they eventually broke it off.

The Faro Plague

Faro's success fabricated him the wealthiest person in the world, just it too made him greedy and paranoid. Seeing Sobeck and her company as a directly competitor to FAS' ecology division, he plagued her with lawsuits.

Sobeck meeting with Faro

Just in Oct 2064, Faro contacted Sobeck for help regarding a unit of measurement of his company's flagship line of Chariot combat automatons that had gone rogue. Designed effectually the concept of a swarm of artificially intelligent, self-replicating robots, able to eat any organic matter as fuel, and with the ability to instantly enslave enemy automatons to their ain neural network, the robots were designed to exist virtually unstoppable by all but their owners.[3] [4] [5] Additionally, Faro had the the Chariot line Bone secured to Black Quartz protocol standard using Polyphasic Entangled Waveforms, a nearly unbreakable encryption protocol, without anything resembling a backdoor in the software.[vi]

However, a swarm owned by a corporation known as the Hartz-Timor Energy Combine experienced a glitch that caused the robots to ignore stand-down codes, attack Hartz-Timor personnel, and begin replicating beyond their expected rate.[7] Faro tried to have his programmers upload a service pack to restore command, only to be reminded of his insistence on the same measures that fabricated the Chariot OS virtually unhackable, and thus impossible to regain command of. Left with no other option, Faro contacted Sobeck and asked her to come to FAS Headquarters and propose him on the problem, offering her an olive branch by dropping all of his lawsuits confronting her. Sobeck agreed, and met Faro in his function on the height flooring of the FAS skyscraper on 31 October 2064. Contemptuous of Faro because of his greed, fecklessness, and harassment, she rebuffed his attempts at friendliness, but agreed to analyze the problem, sensing past Faro's mental attitude that the situation was grave.[eight]

The horrific truth apace became apparent. Twenty-iv hours afterwards, Sobeck accusingly presented her findings to Faro: the Hartz-Timor swarm had become an independent entity, now serving itself, defaulting to its previously emergency-just Biomatter Conversion organisation as a means of sustenance and growth. Faro's reckless insistence on virtually unbreakable security for the robots' OS and the exponential rate at which the swarm was growing meant that containing the swarm was impossible. She estimated that within 15 months, the swarm would overrun the planet, consume the unabridged biosphere, and thus strip the Earth of all life and leave information technology sterile. Faro begged Sobeck to discover some ways of stopping the swarm, promising to practise whatever she recommended. Sobeck disgustedly noted that Faro'south concern was more with preventing the state of affairs from becoming public knowledge for his proper noun's sake. She left, promising to hold him to his give-and-take.[nine]

Cypher Dawn

Aware that whatsoever attempt to stop the swarm was futile, Sobeck devised a plan with an altogether different objective: in that location was admittedly no chance of stopping the swarm before it eradicated life, just there was a chance of implementing a ways of shutting it downwardly and then restoring life after its eradication. She devised a global, fully automated terraforming system that would practice this. Being fully automated, it would crave no human input. A supercomputer would take fifty years to crack just one of the swarm's codesets.[x] But the system, unlike humans, would have the time needed to brute-force all the codes, after which it would transmit them, close down the robots, and and so, over the coming centuries, detoxify the Earth, restore its biosphere, and then restore the human being species.[11] Sobeck dubbed the plan Projection Zero Dawn.

Withal, there were extremely formidable moral challenges. In order for there to exist enough fourth dimension to implement Goose egg Dawn, the doomed global human populace would accept to sacrifice itself in a futile effort to end the swarm in order to tiresome its advance. Utmost secrecy would therefore be required to hibernate the truth and proceed the global populace fighting. Finally, the projection would require the most brilliant minds on the planet; because of the secrecy involved, they would have to be abducted from whatever country they resided in and offered the choice to work on the project. If they refused, they would have to choose between existence indefinitely detained with no contact with the outside world, or being medically euthanized.[12] Because of the moral implications of these challenges, Faro was reluctant to sign off on Naught Dawn when Sobeck presented it to him two days later via holographic project. But Sobeck, who was on her way to meet with the The states Joint Chiefs of Staff and cursory them on the project, sternly coerced him with a threat to publicly divulge his culpability in causing the swarm.[13]

Sobeck went to the headquarters of U.S. Robot Command and briefed the J.C.S on Zero Dawn. They were likewise horrified at the programme's moral implications and were very reluctant to sign off on it. Sobeck swatted down their objections with cold facts:

Sobeck briefs the JCS on Zip Dawn

Any attempts to send The states combat robots against the swarm, now known every bit the Faro Plague, would simply add to the robots' numbers every bit the swarm would immediately hack and commandeer them. The robots were replicating far faster than they could be destroyed. Hacking their Bone and shutting them down earlier they consumed the biosphere was incommunicable. Life was doomed to extinction; the simply possible response was an automatic organization to re-establish it later its eradication. General Aaron Herres, the J.C.S. Chairman, recognized this terrible truth, overrode any further objections, and agreed to provide Sobeck with what was needed: a staging surface area for the project nether Bryce Canyon in Utah, the abduction of the necessary specialists according to a list Sobeck had drawn up, and a campaign to deceive the global populace into sacrificing themselves in futile boxing against the Faro Plague to requite Zero Dawn the time it needed, in an offensive dubbed Operation: Enduring Victory. Equally for funding, Faro had been forced to concord to fund the entire projection with his enormous personal fortune.

Implementing Zero Dawn

At the Zippo Dawn staging area, Sobeck personally recorded a presentation to prospective Zero Dawn candidates regarding the nature of Zero Dawn.

Sobeck'southward Presentation

She worked with nine prospective candidates who agreed to participate (including Travis), whom she chose to to be the Alphas of the projection: the leaders of the teams who developed the nine different subordinate functions of the Zero Dawn arrangement'southward fundamental AI, called GAIA. 2 of the most meaning subordinate functions were APOLLO and HADES. APOLLO was intended for the humans of the new earth to larn from the mistakes of the previous world, while HADES was designed as a fail-safe programme to wipe out all life on World in the event GAIA's efforts to restore it encountered bug so GAIA could beginning again. Sobeck developed GAIA largely past herself. During this fourth dimension, she had further dealings with Ted Faro, who had begun exhibiting unstable behavior, presumably due to his extreme guilt over condemning all life to obliteration past his recklessness. Indeed, she recorded in one of her log entries that at their last meeting, he constantly fidgeted and could non steadily look her in the optics.[14]

Sobeck's work on GAIA was a astounding success; not but was it by necessity the nearly advanced artificial intelligence ever created, it was actually capable of human empathy, and could experience emotions. Sobeck had non intended this, but was extremely happy virtually it, as such capabilities greatly enhanced the AI'southward ability to perform its role as the goad and guardian of life anew on the planet.[15] [xvi] She developed a bond with the AI, habitually conversing with it before sleeping.[17] However, on GAIA'south advice, she installed a Master Override into information technology in case it went out of control and needed to be shut down. Ted Faro had actually proposed it, merely she had refused outright, considering him to be unworthy of giving advice on such matters given what he had washed. Notwithstanding, GAIA opined that the proposal was indeed sound, inducing her to accept it.

Elisabet ofttimes confided her own emotional distress to GAIA which helped it to develop empathy.

Meanwhile, Enduring Victory was simply barely successful. Sobeck and the other Alphas had but enough time to go Zero Dawn operational earlier the Faro Plague, which had by then had near made the Globe uninhabitable, destroyed the last military machine salient, located in Wichita, Kansas. The deaths of billions of people worldwide, consumed by the robots, or perishing due to mass starvation, thirst and asphyxiation in an atmosphere that had become devoid of oxygen and total of toxic gases, caused Sobeck bang-up anguish. In a conversation with GAIA, she expressed her emotional distress over their agonized deaths, and fear that the project would not succeed and life would be permanently eradicated. GAIA assured her that she and the other Alphas had done all that was necessary, and the odds of reestablishment were in life's favor.[18]

Nevertheless, while the system was operational, it was not complete. GAIA had been relocated to its permanent location, designated GAIA Prime, when discussion came from Full general Herres that the Faro Plague had broken through the concluding military salient. The robots were on their manner to USRC headquarters, curtailing what fiddling time they had left. Thus, while the lower-ranking members of the Zero Dawn team, designated the Betas and Gammas, were evacuated to Elysium, Sobeck and the Alphas elected to exist permanently sealed in GAIA Prime number to terminate the remaining work.[19]

Elisabet was frequently contacted by a guilt-ridden Ted for updates, much to her annoyance.

Zero Day, the day of life's projected extinction, arrived and passed. Sobeck and the Alphas, sealed in GAIA Prime, became the final living organisms on the planet, along with the few other humans sealed in other bunkers such as Elysium. Outside was a expressionless and completely uninhabitable planet, overrun with Faro Plague robots hibernating after consuming every final organic molecule.[10] Sobeck and the Alphas continued their piece of work. During this fourth dimension, the team was frequently contacted past Ted Faro, who had sealed himself in his own personal bunker. His constant insistence on technical updates which were beyond his ability to grasp (or and so it was believed) was annoying. Merely Sobeck fielded his requests, keeping him from bothering the others.[twenty]


During this time Sobeck demonstrated her selflessness and altruism for the final time, sacrificing her life for her boyfriend Alphas and Zippo Dawn. Sometime after existence sealed into GAIA Prime, the team completed piece of work on GAIA and its subordinate functions. However, not long afterwards that, i of GAIA'south port seals malfunctioned, failing to close within the 2mm maximum seam necessary to prevent a detectable energy signature leak. If detected, the Faro Plague would assault and destroy the facility, eliminating any chance of reestablishing life on the planet, leaving Earth dead and sterile forever. However, the seal could only be stock-still manually from outside the facility, and anyone who went outside would exist permanently shut out.

Sobeck's cede

While the Alphas argued argued over who would go, Sobeck donned the sealed, self-contained environmental suit now necessary to survive outdoors and sealed the port. When she contacted the Alphas via hologram to inform them, they pleaded with her to let them to notice some fashion of getting her back inside. Due to the swarm's close proximity, she refused, valuing them and Zero Dawn more than her life. She asked them to take care of each other and said she wanted to get home. Behest them goodbye, she concluded the transmission.[21]

With Zero Dawn saved, Sobeck did as she told the Alphas she would do. Arriving at the remains of her childhood home, she sat on a demote, quietly expiring former later on, presumably when her arrange'due south life support functions were finally exhausted.


Elisabet's memorial within GAIA Prime

Sobeck'due south sacrifice saved Zero Dawn, and consequently, saved life on Earth from permanent extinction. The mournful Alphas synthetic a memorial to honor her and her work in spearheading the fight for life, as she had always done. However, her sacrifice as well left the Alphas at the mercy of an increasingly unstable Ted Faro who developed an obsessive conventionalities that APOLLO's knowledge was a dangerous "disease" to the new world. Without Sobeck to incorporate him, this obsession morphed into resolve. He unilaterally deleted APOLLO, and murdered the Alphas while they were gathered in GAIA Prime number's command chamber by venting the bedroom'due south temper, to prevent APOLLO from beingness rebuilt.

Thus all noesis of Sobeck's existence and what she had washed for the human being species and for life itself was obliterated. However, equally the driving force behind Zilch Dawn, Sobeck saved all life, including the human being species, from permanent oblivion. It is she who was therefore primarily responsible for the deactivation of the Faro Plague's robots and for life's reestablishment after its eradication. When she sacrificed her life to protect GAIA Prime from being attacked and destroyed past the Faro robots, Sobeck became a martyr for life'southward future.[22]

Nigh a millennia later GAIA was affected by an unknown energy betoken that acquired its subordinate functions to go self-enlightened entities that followed their programming directive without GAIA'southward leadership. As such the HADES function sought to employ the terraforming organisation to exterminate all life on Earth, this time with no gamble of reestablishment. To prevent this, GAIA destroyed herself to end HADES which escaped and began plotting to utilize the dormant Faro Plague instead, though this would take fourth dimension and required the manipulated loyalty of the Carja. More urgently without GAIA to manage the terraforming system it would increasingly pause down and endanger life all the same over again, both events threatened to disengage all of Elisabet's efforts. Before destroying itself though GAIA ordered 1 of the cradle facilities to created a genetic clone of Elisabet, who'd later exist named Aloy, so one day she could admission GAIA and rebuild it, after destroying HADES. Ironically, Aloy grew upward to be exactly what Sobeck had wanted her child to be like if she had i; curious, willful and empathetic (in her words: "With enough compassion to heal the world").[one]

19 years after when HADES attacked the Nora tribe and discovered Aloy, it became obsessed with destroying her due to her sharing Elisabet's genetic code, and thus endangering its beingness. It was after this encounter that Aloy discovered Elisabet's beingness afterwards accessing a Focus used past Olin. Initially assertive Elisabet to be her biological mother, Aloy embarked on a personal journey to learn who she was, hoping it would reveal her own mysterious origin (reluctantly accompanied past the Banuk researcher Sylens). This led to Aloy and Sylens discovering the origin of humanity'due south extinction from the Faro Plague, Elisabet's work on Project: Zero Dawn, and Ted's horrific attempt to go on APOLLO from ever being discovered and GAIA itself. Aloy was deeply horrified to acquire the circumstances of her ain cosmos but developed a deep adoration for her "mother".

Aloy discovers Elisabet's remains

Despite HADES' overwhelming forces of Carja and machines, Aloy succeeded in preventing information technology from using the Faro Plague to cause a 2nd, permanent extinction using the Master Override, only also by bringing the tribes and convincing them to abandon their previous hostilitiesto face up their common foe, ironically similar to how Elisabet brought the Alphas together to create GAIA and save humanity. Sometime after HADES' defeat, Aloy embarked on a journey to find Elisabet's hometown. There she discovered Elisabet's corpse on the demote well-nigh her childhood domicile with a triangular formation of regal flowers, GAIA'southward personal tribute to her memory. On the footing almost her remains, presumably dropped from her manus, Aloy constitute a small-scale replica of that which had e'er been nearly dear to her: the world.


Among the Quen, the but known tribe with a grasp on ancient history, Elisabet Sobeck is remembered every bit an "Banana" to Ted Faro, revered as an Antecedent but not nearly to the same degree. This can be attributed to the Quen's limited ability to admission information by the mid-2050s, due to utilizing obsolete Focuses. As such, the knowledge of Project Zero Dawn and Miriam Technologies is currently lost to them.


Sobeck was an uncommonly intelligent and altruistic scientist who defended her life to improve the world that she lived in. With an intense beloved for life on World, her desire to make a positive change induced her to use her formidable expertise in robotics and engineering in the pursuit of a career in developing robots that were environmentally-friendly and helped serve people. Her convictions made her resolutely against using technology for military applications, which is why she quit Faro Automated Solutions when Faro decided to motion the company into the military technology marketplace. Sobeck regarded people similar Faro, who cared simply almost public image and profits at the expense of life, with contempt.

Sobeck was relentless in her efforts to consummate Project Zero Dawn and give life a chance at reestablishment after its eradication. The enormous loss of life caused by the Faro Plague was a source of keen distress for her. She placed great importance on empathy, realizing that GAIA needed to be capable of emotion and caring for others in order to fulfill its role. Above all, she was selfless and decisive, and sacrificed her life without hesitation to save Nil Dawn and her fellow Alphas.

However, Sobeck had difficulty connecting with others, being somewhat of a workaholic and rarely being willing to share her brunt.


  • As with the naming of Ted Faro (Pharaoh) and his company'due south line of robots (Chariot line), Elisabet'due south name appears to be a reference to ancient Egypt, and also to the Old Testament. Her family name, Sobeck, is a variation on Sobek, who was a crocodile-headed Egyptian god of both fertility and the military. Her given name derives from the Hebrew name, Elisheva. In the Erstwhile Attestation, Elisheva was the wife of Aaron, brother of Moses and ancestor of the Jewish high priests. After her expiry, Elisheva was buried in the Tomb of the Matriarchs. Adding to the list of credible references, the company she formed after leaving Faro Automated Solutions appears to exist named afterwards Aaron'southward sister, Miriam.
  • Given that the area the game is set is in Utah and Colorado, Elisabet would take had to walk at least 270 miles to accomplish her home in Nevada.
  • When asked by GAIA near the prospect of children, Elisabet said she would have liked to have a daughter, who was curious, willful, and compassionate. Elisabet would posthumously proceeds such a daughter in the grade of Aloy.



  1. i.0 1.i 1.two Vista Point: Isle of Spires Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":0" defined multiple times with different content
  2. Bio: Elisabet Sobeck
  3. FAS-BOR7 Horus (Datapoint)
  4. FAS-ACA3 Scarab (Datapoint)
  5. FAS-FSP5 Khopesh (Datapoint)
  6. Entangled Waveforms
  7. Regarding The Rumors
  8. Record: 31 October 2064
  9. Record: 1 November 2064
  10. 10.0 x.i The Bad News
  11. The Skillful News
  12. Make Your Option
  13. Tape: 3 November 2064
  14. Sobeck Journal, x-31-65 R
  15. Gaia Log: 27 March 2065
  16. Gaia Log: v June 2065
  17. Sobeck Journal, seven-16-65 R
  18. Gaia Log: 13 January 2066
  19. Sobeck Periodical, one-15-66 R
  20. Cadre Control Log
  21. Elisabet Sobeck Memorial
  22. Emergency Recording

Quondam Ones Characters
Far Zenith Erik Visser - Gerard Bieri - Nikhita Arand - Osvald Dalgaard - Peter Tshivhumbe - Song Jiao - Stanley Chen - Tilda van der Meer - Verbena Sutter
Faro Automatic Solutions Bashar Mati - Tala Aquino - Ted Faro
Project Firebreak Dod Blevins - Gina Bruno - Joshua Ardhuis - Kenny Chau - Shelly Guerrera-McKenzie - Jørgen Holm - Anita Sandoval - Laura Vogel
Project Zero Dawn Susanne Alpert - Brad Andac - Patrick Brochard-Klein - Connor Chasson - Samina Ebadji - Ellen Evans - Ron Felder - Jackson Frye - Christina Hsu-Vhey - Naoto - Ayomide Okilo - Tom Paech - Ella Pontes - Skylar Rivera - Charles Ronson - Mia Sayied - Hank Shaw - Margo Shĕn - Elisabet Sobeck - Travis Tate
Operation Indelible Victory Lana Acosta‏ - Ames Guliyev - Aaron Herres - Yana Mills - Fiona Murell - Vandana Sarai - Usizo Wandari
Other Harriet Choi - Anne Faraday - Grigori Fasbach - Wyatt Mahante - Eileen Sasaki - Kenzo Sasaki - Kanya Somptow - Narong Somptow

Where Is Elisabet Sobeck Body,


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